Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wow-- We didn't expect that...

With only one more chemo treatment left, Anna was sure that side-effects such as hair loss were a thing of the past. She called me at work yesterday, and said, "remember how I was complaining a couple of days ago about a weird tinge feeling on my scalp? Well, I'm losing hair again (the tiny little sprigs that have popped up since the initial loss of hair), and my eyebrows are gone."

And all along, she was very excited not to have lost her eyebrows.

At any rate, as stated above, there is only one chemo treatment to go, and that takes us to an interesting crux. I asked Anna the other day if she was excited that it was almost over, and she didn't really have an answer. It's apparent to me that she finds a strange (yet understandable) security in the chemotherapy. As long as it's in her system, she knows that the cancer can't come back. Obviously she'll have the daily radiation treatments for at least six weeks, but I can understand why she's anxious. It's a valid, yet irrational fear. She went to her first Northwest Young Survivors meeting last night, and I think that the group will be good for her. From my experience in attending my group at Gilda's Club, it's a positive thing to be able to meet and share with others in your situation.

Anyway, eyebrows or not, she's plugging away as usual, and cruising toward the light at the end of the tunnel. Note: Stay away from tunnels.


Blogger Sandi said...

Hm, no eyebrows. Tell Anna I'll paint her some new ones. Or she could get some wonderful fake ones at Display & Costume. Like the big shaggy old man eyebrows. That'd look cool.

Seriously, tho, the alternative...

Love you guys and think of you often. Hang in there, as usual.

2:53 AM  
Blogger TD said...

Kevin, please let Anna know that I am rooting for her. For all three of you. May your story be one of the happy ones to come out of this.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Sandi said...

Thinking about you's it going?


6:19 PM  

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